David W. Weisgerber, M.D., P.A.
Internal Medicine
307 10th Avenue N.E.
Hickory, N.C. 28601
Test Your Knowledge
Test updated 09-09-00
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1. Pink Eye can be caused by:
a. virus infection
b. allergies
c. bacterial infection
d. chemical irritation
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis is associated with:
a. being tall
b. an antibody to joint cartilege
c. eating carrots
d. watching Jay Leno
3. Environmental allergens common in the fall include:
a. tree pollen
b. ragweed
c. mold spores
d. grass pollen
4. Facts about Melanoma:
a. it is associated with sun exposure
b. spreads to brain and eye
c. can be prevented by using sun screens and
d. affected Senator McCain
5. Vitamin B12 deficiency:
a. is caused by a lack of Intrinsic Factor
b. treated my monthly B12 injections
c. can cause nerve damage
d. can cause pernicious anemia